Related: About this forumPay what you want. Pay how you want. Becoming a DU Star Member is now much easier.
This discussion thread was locked by Skinner (a host of the Announcements group).
Late last year when we moved into our new software, we also changed the way people could become paid subscribers. For the first ten years of this website's existence we called it a donation and you could pay whatever you wanted. Starting in December of last year we stopped taking "donations" and instead asked members to purchase a subscription at a fixed price. We had a number of reasons for making that change, but to us the most important was that Democratic Underground was not (and had never been) a non-profit charitable organization, and the "donations" we received were not tax deductible. The "donations" received did not go to any charitable purpose other than to pay our expenses and our own salaries. So over time we had come to feel that using the word "donation" was perhaps not completely appropriate.
So, for the last nine months, we have been giving members the opportunity to purchase Star Memberships at a fixed price. And it has worked more-or-less how we expected it to work. We knew fewer people would purchase these memberships because (for some) a fixed price represented a greater expense. In terms of Democratic Underground's bottom line, it was basically a wash: Our income from member subscriptions went down, while our income from advertising went up. But there has been one enormous problem with the new approach: There are many people in this community who clearly want to become Star Members but who feel they cannot afford it. The DU Administrators have spent months discussing this issue, and have considered dozens of possible ideas to make memberships more affordable including tiered subscriptions or subsidized subscriptions or special senior rates or whatever. But every time we had a new idea, we kept coming back to the idea of just letting everyone pay whatever you want to pay.
So, the new price to become a Democratic Underground Star Member is: Whatever you want to pay.
The DU Administrators have read all of your concerns and complaints about our fixed-price subscriptions, and this new "pay-what-you-want" approach should address those concerns. Ability to pay should no longer be an obstacle to becoming a DU Star Member. You can sign up for a recurring monthly subscription, a recurring annual subscription, or a one-time online payment. Or you can even print out a form and send us a few bucks through the U.S. Postal Service. You pay whatever and however you want to pay.
The DU Administrators feel very positive about this change, but we are admittedly a little bit concerned about what it may mean for our bottom line. If this new pay-what-you-want subscription system leads to a significant drop in our overall revenue, then we will be looking for ways to cover the deficit. The most likely thing would be to bring back the quarterly fund drives like we used to do. Hopefully it will not come to that.
So, if you are not currently a DU Star Member, we hope that you will take this opportunity to become one. We want every DU member who wants to become a Star Member to have the opportunity to become one. Just click this link to get started:
If you do become a Star Member, your status as a member will last for one full year from the day you pay for the subscription. So whether you are paying monthly or yearly or by check, you will always know that your member status lasts for one year after your most recent payment. (This is how member status worked back under our old donation system.)
There are obviously many of you who purchased Star Memberships over the last eight months for the fixed-price. If so, thank you! You may be wondering what will happen to your subscription... You will continue as a Star Member at the rate you already signed up for, recurring at the time period you agreed to. Payments will continue to be charged. In addition, your status as a member will last for (at least) one year after your most recent payment. If you would like to cancel your recurring payment, you can log into PayPal and cancel it. If you would like to change your recurring payment, the easiest thing to do would be to long into PayPal and cancel it, and then sign up for a new subscription on Democratic Underground. If you would like a full or partial refund of payments you have already made to DU, please send an email with the details of your request -- we will do our best to honor any/all such requests, provided we have the funds to do so.

(36,488 posts)No worries making the donation, PayPal just wouldn't accept it! Thanks for providing an alternative!
(15,686 posts)I tried to sign up without using Paypal but it wouldn't work because it recognized my email I think. So I tried signing up through Paypal and it took THREE different tries over about a 30 day period before it finally took!! lol.
(113,308 posts)Paypal would not work because of previous card use and did not recognize password? I guess I will wait a few days and see how much someone has charged on my credit card? I tried about 3 times. I simply don't trust the Internet with cash or credit card transactions. Everytime I have done it, my card has been compromised. Not with DU , but with other vendors and products.
(15,686 posts)my Paypal account and changing everything; credit card, password (I couldn't remember it anyway). Resetting everything there seemed to help.
Stinky The Clown
(68,533 posts)I hope you suffer no loss of income and that, by goodwill and many more members spending less than they would have had to, your revenue goes up, not down.
(47,227 posts)And keep up the good work.
(53,661 posts)XemaSab
(60,212 posts)I liked the quarterly fund drives.
(68,644 posts)I googled it.
Seems to be of British origin.
Combination of Twit and another word that shall not be spoken.
I could be wrong.
(15,686 posts)Thanks for filling me in. I guess I could have/should have googled it. I think I was thinking it would be a new exclusive DU term and not yet out there. My lazy butt.
(68,644 posts)It's a different "T" word that I shall NOT repeat!
(15,686 posts)Got it.
Who comes up with this kind of insult? As if the words weren't enough on their own.
(18,184 posts)It was pay-what-you-want plus quarterly fund drives on the old DU and that seemed to work quite well.
(36,488 posts)Derp.
(148,652 posts)I almost always donated for each one.
liberal N proud
(61,084 posts)Those ads have only been bothering me for 1 day and I can't stand it.
myrna minx
(22,772 posts)This is great news.
(18,219 posts)
Guess what I am getting ready to do.

Then I will celebrate!!!!!!

myrna minx
(22,772 posts)Good to see you! I hope you're well, Curmudgeoness.
I'm so pleased with their decision - I'll have a shiny new star in my next pay period!
(18,219 posts)And look at that star!!!!!! I intended on holding out until the class system was gone, and I did. I love DU more than ever now.
(30,151 posts)do I have permission to
Thanks by the way!
(60,025 posts)This change is a much more practical way of meeting member's needs, I believe.
(56,125 posts)can we donate for others now?
(63,645 posts)The price of a Star Membership is now affordable for anyone. If someone wants a Star Membership, they are able to get one.
We may reconsider whether to provide this option in the future.
(56,125 posts)I know there are some trolls who think it is funny to get somebody to by them a star while they are actually posting nasty shit about DU elswere on the tubes - better for even a dollar to come out of their own pockets.
most people can swing a couple of bucks and if not we can work to help if really needed
I just thank you for making the price change - it was truly a hardship for many.
Wait Wut
(8,492 posts)I know we have several unemployed DUers here. What if we make a 'Donated Star Membership' a flat rate of like $20? I'd gladly pay that for some people. That's only 4 gin and tonics if you include the tip.
I figure you'd have to do some math to figure out how much each unstarred member is worth in advertising dollars and then add $5 to that number to find a flat rate that would still buy your kids dinner.
I also like the idea of a 'suggested' donation. Whenever I make a donation seeing the options from $5 to $100 I almost always end up giving more than I intended. Those little buttons are so easy to click. What's another $10 bucks, right? Two more gin and tonics.
(13,755 posts)I think we were paying $6 a piece last weekend (of course we order ours in pint glasses)
(4,444 posts)I only drink that cheap at weddings
Wait Wut
(8,492 posts)...I was charged $13 for a really crappy, small gin and tonic in San Diego. The bartender was a real ass, as well, so I asked if that included his tip. He wasn't amused.
I live in a smallish town with a lot of borderline dive bars (with some really good live music, including the husband ). Competition is pretty fierce so the average is about $3 a drink and I tip well. Occasionally, my bartenders will slip me a Tanqueray because they love me.
(51,122 posts)2ndAmForComputers
(3,527 posts)Lint Head
(15,064 posts)grantcart
(53,061 posts)Greybnk48
(10,493 posts)gollygee
(22,336 posts)I got a message telling me to log back in over and over, but it was after I put in my credit card information so I'm not sure.
(11,406 posts)If you're making a one time payment you don't have to login, just click the box that says you want to pay as a guest when you get to the Paypal screen.
If you're signing up for a recurring subscription, you'll need to login - might just need to try again.
(22,336 posts)I'll try again
(22,336 posts)yay
(5,227 posts)PayPal says I have paid but DU says nope.
(56,125 posts)and for what it is worth, I have no problem with fund drives - they are a nice diversion, especially the ones where we can buy hearts or whatever for other members.
If revenues are ok with the switch consider doing the drives anyway for charities like we did for Planned Parenthood and have done for Feeding America.
thanks for making this change, I really think it helps build community
(8,515 posts)Community is what it is always about. I feel a sense of belonging and comfort when I click on. Thanks guys. I like this.
(30,235 posts)i really like just paying at the time - the only auto payment i have is to netflix.
by the way i never minded the fund drives. i liked the hearts and the sticky notes and all that.
(54,623 posts)
(8,830 posts)My opinion? A wise and obviously carefully considered decision.
I sincerely hope that the change to the old form will prove a wash for you (in a good way) - that the decrease in the size of the subscription will be cancelled out by an increase in the quantity of donations.
Thank you again.
(27,773 posts)I think the old system was in no small part what made this community strong. Thank you for making this change.
(16,500 posts)JNelson6563
(28,151 posts)A very well thought out response to all the concerns raised. Well done you guys.
(23,311 posts)immoderate
(20,885 posts)--imm
(3,394 posts)My star membership expired, but I didn't know it and wasn't notified (that I can recall). I'll renew it now.
I can't give a large amount, but I'm not short on cash, either.
So, I'd like to propose that you establish a very short menu of "recommended" dues. Select what you think a nominal, fair membership fee would be and state it on the payment page.
Are you thinking $20/year? Two or three dollars per month? What would be your guidelines?
(12,909 posts)already give what we wanted. And, naturally, we could pay at any other time beside the fund drives. I don't see any difference from what we had.
Will there be a permanent, easy way to access the payment feature since we won't be having fund raising reminders? Maybe a pinned link at the beginning of each main discussion.
Also, the fund drives were fun - valentines, etc.
(3,276 posts)The fixed annual membership was beyond my budget, and while I understood the need on DU's end, it was disappointing for me not to be able to afford to contribute.
(I thought the fund drives were usually pretty fun, though.)
Thanks again for all your hard work.
(72,790 posts)I will likely donate soon.
(53,544 posts)Really really really really don't like PayPal. I don't like any 3rd party having my credit card info in their database.
Maybe include something along the line the amount that is hoped to receive from each person with some people not being able to and others can contribute more.
(53,544 posts)klook
(13,062 posts)(maybe more than one) that offers the option of secure online account numbers -- real cc #s that you can use one time without revealing your permanent acct #. I've used this option to shield my acct no.
An added benefit is that if one of these cc #s gets hacked, it's easy to pinpoint which vendor's db was compromised.
(57,272 posts)That would be really nice!
(57,272 posts)cyberswede
(26,117 posts)And I'd like to echo what someone else said in this thread - the fund drives were a fun diversion, and if they help your bottom line, I think it would be great to have something like that available again.
Nice work, fellas!
(9,766 posts)Thank you ! Thank you! Thank you !
Generic Other
(29,020 posts)You are a pretty good guy, Skinner. Elad and EarlG too.
(24,047 posts)Thanks to your new policy.
(38,982 posts)Renew Deal
(83,637 posts)etherealtruth
(22,165 posts)Ah it feels good to be a star member again
(7,237 posts)
(135,425 posts)current!!!
(37,468 posts)Last edited Wed Aug 22, 2012, 08:30 AM - Edit history (1)
I'm confident that between the new system and *possibly* quarterly fund drives, we can help DU stay afloat. Thanks for responding to the concerns of our members.
(3,901 posts)I have not for sevearl years. I was irked at how unfair the method of censorship seemed to me. I wanted a place for alternative theories to be discussed openly. I didn't like the way the dungeon set up. It didn't feel right.
I am pleased with the changes. I can in good consience donate to DU again. Expect me to be a regular contributor again.
You rock, Skinner! Well played, my man. Well played.
(607 posts)I use one time credit card numbers, don't like to have cc number in other databases, so if you send me a reminder next year, I will gladly pay again.
Keep up the good work.
(13,669 posts)that this place was different from any other web-site I've encountered in my life. This kind of attitude only confirms it.
Thank you so much Skinner and all - Being part of this community has been a real blessing.
(1,374 posts)
With star membership being affordable, perhaps more will participate to get value for their payment.
I'm guessing that a few of the more generous DUers could make up for any losses in revenue. (hint hint)

(6,199 posts)If you run short, I'm sure we'd all be happy to see Grovelbot on the job again.
(32,324 posts)My household will soon be subscribing. I think overall DU will be better for this new policy.
For me, it wasn't the amount asked - it was that the amount got divided up over 12 months. Then it could hit someone's account the one moment six months down the road when the checking account was near empty. That action could incur tens if not hundreds of dollars over the membership price for NSF fees - all to go into the coffers of one of our nation's lovely banks or credit unions.
(12,232 posts)input and concerns.
Absolutely applaud you for it:
(6,539 posts)
Lifelong Protester
(8,421 posts)I know you are not calling it that, but in essence, it is an honor system sliding scale pay what you can plan.
Thank you for all your hard work. This site is really, REALLY, appreciated.
Gemini Cat
(2,820 posts)This is much appreciated.
(10,117 posts)...much, Skinner. I will renew on September 1st. You guys are the best!
(4,810 posts)Most seemed to enjoy them, especially the 'hearts'.
(69,014 posts)There was also a lot of good feeling in the other drives when people were able to donate stars.
(4,810 posts)I'm afraid that feeling is now mostly gone.
(73,522 posts)BTW party @ Skinner's house!
(12,232 posts)
(73,522 posts)

I mean who will stop me and my gold star?
(27,773 posts)Last edited Tue Aug 21, 2012, 04:48 PM - Edit history (1)
The Secret Service - Mr. Romney wants you out of his kitchen and off his property.
(77,097 posts)richie rich ... where's those fucking taxes! hmmmf.
(12,232 posts)Botany
(73,522 posts)suffragette
(12,232 posts)

ok, ok, how about:
(21,642 posts)to be here but because money is very tight right now.
(1,148 posts)Lugnut
(9,791 posts)Some of us are really strapped these days. You guys are great!
(39,191 posts)My meager donations will keep me on the boat
(2,049 posts)DTo see if I have a star by my name
(2,049 posts)That explains the ads...
(82,333 posts)I asked my wife to renew for me because I don't have paypal. This afternoon she called me and said "How much do you want to give?" I told her, Do the paypal for $42. She said "I don't see that." I said It's a long story, do it that way or it's $60. She said "I don't see that." It went back and forth like that for a few minutes. Then I said, Fuck it, I'm busy, just pay the $5 monthly. She said "I don't see that. There's a big letter from Skinner there." I thought, what fresh DU hell has emerged now? I told her, Just give them the $5, I'll check in later.
Now I see this.
It shows 366 days for $5. Now I have to make it up to DU. And I have to apologize to my wife. I hate that.
All that aside, this is really outstanding on your part. So many people are just scraping by. You three get that.
(34,589 posts)Thanks for doing this.
(And no, I won't be asking for a refund!)
(53,061 posts)MannyGoldstein
(34,589 posts)grantcart
(53,061 posts)Hugin
(35,823 posts)(:
(793 posts)I always want to be a member where ever I go and you made it easy and no pay-pal. And no adds as well.
(1,090 posts)it means a lot to me that you all have been concerned about the impact of set subscription prices on the DU user community - and it says a lot about you all that you have come up with a win/win situation - The DU Admins are the BEST!
(34,210 posts)Thank you.
Raffi Ella
(4,465 posts)Thanks guys! I think this goes a long way in the community feel of DU.
(2,921 posts)

Warren Stupidity
(48,181 posts)Why, why, why didn't I wait?
(148,652 posts)
(148,652 posts)bump it up later to make it $60. I hated not having a star.
(51,122 posts)Zero Division
(1,135 posts)I don't mind giving money to DU, but it's much easier to do so in smaller increments. I donated today for the first time in a long while.
(13,062 posts)and I'm betting revenues go UP because those who can pay more will feel motivated to do so.
(53,410 posts)I hope it works out and you don't come up short.
(6,873 posts)I get to be a star member for the first time!
(6,119 posts)I'll leave it be.
Thank you for what you do.
(39,346 posts)I have been one of the 1x/year donors because that has what has worked for me in the long run. I was really bummed out about the subscription because I didn't think I could reliably come up with money every month. Yeah, I'm one of the ones for whom this decade hasn't been a winner. So I tend to budget and pay off bills all in one lump when I have the money.
So, I am very happy you are going back to the old system, sorta. And I don't mind the quarterly fund drives. The hearts and chance to give to other members are fun and a way to maybe meet others you don't regularly correspond with. Though, if fund drives are a PAITA from an admin POV, I can understand that.
I will contribute something next week when I get paid again.
(113,131 posts)for those of us who were given stars when we were broke to pay it forward. Since that's an ongoing process for a lot of grateful people, DU will continue to make its nut, although in smaller pieces.
(8,809 posts)Kudos.
(45,319 posts)Some businesses who do pay what you wish wind up taking more in than with price points, even accounting for zero and hyper low payers....I have seen it with my own eyes. May it go that way for you too!
(24,740 posts)I won't be asking for a refund; I get more out of my DU membership than I'd get from ten magazine subscriptions.
I'm grateful that DU will now be more affordable for everyone.
(1,524 posts)My star just expired a few days ago and I really didn't like the idea of a fixed-cost subscription so I was waffling on whether to subscribe. This makes it easier because I can again think of it as a "donation".
(3,132 posts)My star ran out yesterday and it was between new shoes for work or a new membership. I am sooo happy that I can become a member again! Thanks, thanks, thanks Skinner!
(12,799 posts)For the record, I miss the quarterly fund drives. Many, many thanks to the DU Administrators. Hugs to all of you.
(51,907 posts)If there is some reason why you can't do this, I'll stick with the snailmail option.
(65,716 posts)greatauntoftriplets
(177,382 posts)I had to re-up yesterday and had difficulty finding a way around PayPal. This makes it much easier.
Bonhomme Richard
(9,267 posts)Snarkoleptic
(6,096 posts).
(24,740 posts)but I just LOVE your signature gif!
(6,096 posts)For a while I had a pair of the cats side-by-side, but it was nearly hypnotic and one had to go.
(6,939 posts)to rely on the garbage that is MSM these days, both national and local. Subscribing to DU makes perfect sense, in any way folks can pay. You've made it logical and compassionate. Kudos!
(336 posts)I always liked to donate when i get a little ahead Or when i get moved by a great post
(39,961 posts)I pledged what I could, 20 bucks. If someone needs help, take 5 from me and make me a 15 dollar pledge.
Johnny Noshoes
(1,993 posts)I have been out of work for a year now and I didn't like it that my membership had expired. Going back to this method enabled me to throw a few bucks into the hat. Hey maybe it is the beginning of a personal turn around - I'll see. Everyday for the past year I've felt like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day - let the clock tick over and this VERY long year end in a "New Year". Not just for me but for all of us still struggling to find work.
Grateful for Hope
(39,320 posts)As far as fund drives are concerned, I would love to see them come back. You guys made them fun and I think they were good for community spirit.
(2,760 posts)In Thailand I live a cash life and when I was told I could no longer send in a check to earn my star, I had no other options. I love DU and want to contribute what I am able to pay.
(24,047 posts)I am now a gold star member as well!
(18,219 posts)Thanks so much for listening to us....and I bet that you will not be disappointed.
(21,044 posts)But thanks. I was wondering if I could afford to renew.
(42,607 posts)I can't tell you how fustrating PayPal was.
(65,590 posts)This was a major concern of mine about DU. While I feel DU is to the right of me to the point I post less, I applaud this decision. It also fits better with the Democratic message of inclusivity.
(14,656 posts)scarletwoman
(31,893 posts)I've never been concerned about my own ability to pay for a yearly subscription - and I cleverly donated in mid-November last year, so I'd have a good long time on my existing star before needing to renew - but it's bothered me tremendously that so many DUers were feeling like they'd have to give up on having a star because they couldn't afford to pay the fixed rate.
My happiness and gratitude are on the behalf of all those for whom for the fixed cost of renewal was prohibitive. I'm so delighted that they will now have a way to keep/renew their stars at a price they can afford.
For myself, I now intend to throw MORE than the previous fixed price into the kitty when my time to renew comes around, so that I can help make up for the smaller amounts that others are going to pay.
I've been here for 11 years and DU is my online "home". I want to do my part to preserve this special place.
(108,317 posts)Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you
(12,309 posts)It's the way it should be.
(7,619 posts)I had problems with Paypal when you first changed the payment method, so will just go the check route.
(262 posts)We had a huge financial hit (more later on that) & yet once I found DU or how I refer to it as "my new home" I have wanted to contribute. This wasn't about star or not, it's about being a part of what is good in this current political climate.
Thanks for including us. We will give more as soon as (hopefully sooner than later) we can. <3
(2,054 posts)Check is in the envelope and will be mailed tomorrow!
(3,744 posts)I felt undressed.
(27,985 posts)like we did before, with the hearts and everything. That would be awesome! I hadn't started paying my monthly subscription because I still have a star and with adding a new member to the household I wasn't quite as flush. But, things have settled. I'm guessing those of us who used to do monthly donations can still do that, right?
The main reason I would love to have the fundraisers back is it reminds me to donate in other people's names, so they get stars. I know I wasn't the only one who did it. I could do it right now, but I forget and I'm actually not here as often as I used to be. Even though, I'm not here as often as I used to be, I owe this site my sanity, and I don't forget such things.
Thank you for changing this back!
(18,154 posts)I just hated using PayPal!
And at this point feel like sending checks.
(23,968 posts)still_one
(97,964 posts)Reach a specific number an effigy get a ka pow!
(1,068 posts)zeemike
(18,998 posts)I am now a little better off least enough for a small contribution...and yo folks deserve more than I can give.
And thanks for making it possible to do it without Pay Pal...I really don't like a third party in between us.
(5,397 posts)Just got back from dinner. 3 glasses of wine. Between safe to drive, but can't read my card in the dark at 10:03 ET.
(39,665 posts)PS I am not a crackpot.
(2,693 posts)whoops, sorry, thought this was GD for a minute....
(15,275 posts)This will be useful for many people.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)Or did this announcement lighten the mood energy of the place?
I hope you do decide to allow gifting of star donations. DU has tons of generous souls, and those who for some reason cannot
do the electronic transfers.
(2,693 posts)I could justify the donation that I gave last year, but the new pricing scheme was a bit out of whack when it came to self justification when reconciling the books :{
(2,323 posts)I'll be renewing in December after my ceramics sale.
(229,721 posts)There's been a lot of discussion about that and it was a popular feature of the generous DU community.
(34,582 posts)I got my star right when the system changed and was still good for a year. I was wondering what would happen when I lost A&A posting privileges.
(29,423 posts)I'll likely donate within the next 3 weeks.
(1,013 posts)Because frankly I didn't like feeling guilty, but on my income its becoming "normal".
So expect a snail mail.
(63,426 posts)And frankly, I never minded donating during the fund drive.
I wouldn't have an issue with it if you brought it back.
(27,670 posts)
Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)That eliminates my philosophical barrier to being a star member.
Two suggestions - since I used to be one of those in charge of occasional events for organizations which worked on a similar financial structure:
Figure out what it would cost to run the place if all members (or the active portion of members) contributed the same amount and label that the suggested payment. People, as a general rule, are willing to pay their fair share if they know what their fair share is.
Label the scheme "more if you can, less if you can't." That has a different feel than "pay what you want." My experience is that when it is phrased that way (with the real cost publicized) that those who value the service will pay more than it costs to make up for folks who are not able to pay more (sort of a fuzzy version of donating a star for those who couldn't buy one).
We often ended up with an event surplus when we did these two things.
But whether you take either of these two suggestions, I am thrilled that the class system at DU has been put to bed.
(3,527 posts)...does it have to be from the same person who is registered, or can it be from a family member/friend/whatever?
(63,645 posts)The name on the account could be made up anyway.
(60,025 posts)Images of him sleeping on the sidewalk, begging in the streets, rusting from the rain, have haunted some of us.
Maybe those quarterly drives were not so bad after all?
Ghost in the Machine
(14,912 posts)Been through some tough times the past several months, and haven't had a star for the first time since 2006. In better times, I would divide my donations up during the fund drives so I could gift other members I chose to with stars. If I could afford $25, five people got stars with a $5 donation each.. $50 meant ten people got stars..
Would love to see the quarterly fund drives come back, my situation is improving now and hopefully will stay that way...
Thanks for all you guys do, and keep up the good work...
(7,477 posts)and perhaps enable members to donate stars. The quarterly fund drives you've put on are fun and they also help to remind members that it takes money to run this site.
One Voice
(376 posts)That helps!
Duer 157099
(17,742 posts)Those were fun drives and I found myself donating much more during those than any other time. I'm sure I'm not the only one.
And I don't mind the term "donate" even if it is not nonprofit.
And being able to donate stars to others, that was very special, even if sometimes it went awry.
And thanks DU admins!
(65,616 posts)Thank you Skinner.
(4,578 posts)is there any hindrance to that? I asked several times and previously I was unable to do that.
Ms. Toad
(36,188 posts)But it seems to me that this question and answer provides a way around it for anyone iinclined to be sneaky about it:
(10,525 posts)My paypal account never worked properly (at all).
(10,000 posts)Seriously, thanks! I think this is a good move.
(24,610 posts)I just want to pay with a credit card and can't seem to do it. I have used paypal but they want way too much info.
(349 posts)I confess that I was so disgusted with American politics that I wasn't planning to vote this year. Seemed to be time to give up, but I hate liars and Romney has succeeded in motivating me to vote against him. This year's neo-GOP ticket should be called Nixon/Goldwater 2012 to lead American BACKWARDS!
I have donated to a number of Democratic candidates in the past, even including Senator Obama in 2008. Now he's President Obama, but I haven't decided where to donate this year... I'm leaning towards the Credo SuperPAC because I think their targeted attacks on neo-GOP lunatics might get the biggest bang for my small number of bucks. Considering the financial model here, I'd like to throw out a suggestion for consideration. It's a two-tier system that would then direct the money to pro-democracy projects.
First, you need to figure out the average cost of a member here. That includes your estimate for covering the participation of the people who aren't donating, even though one of the main goals of this system is to get more people to donate. That cost is important because I think you have to reflect the reality, unlike neo-GOP delusional thinking.
In the first tier of the system, you are selling subscriptions or star memberships or both or other variations. The base price should be set to your estimated costs. Maybe you need a few wrinkles like subsidies for poor people or students or annual adjustments, but the basic idea is to cover the costs.
People who donate above the base price would have the rest of the money go into the second tier of the system, what I call a charity brokerage. Remember that there is no financial risk to Democratic Underground because you are already holding the money, but you will help the members match their money to pro-democracy projects, and once enough members agreed to support a project, then you would start the ball rolling.
I hope a concrete example will make it more clear. Let's say you estimate your Democratic Underground operating cost at $10/year for the paying members. If I pay $50, then I am a member for up to 5 years, but I would start with a one-year membership and $40 in my charity share account. In one part of the website, you would offer a variety of projects that I could participate in. If I liked a particular project, then I would buy a charity share in that project, reducing my balance. If enough members buy shares, then the project would have enough money for its budget, and you would start the ball rolling, but your main goal would be in helping other people prepare their project proposals. (I also think you should help evaluate the success of the projects.)
The projects could be anything, though in this election season the most obvious candidates would be anti-Romney ads and the air time to show them. I can't afford to run an ad, but with 1,000 other Democrats I could do it. I very much want to see an add with a video pastiche of Romney saying "Vote for me so that government of the corporations, by the lawyers, for the richest 0.1% of Americans, shall rule the earth."
(Longer and more complicated version of this idea under "reverse auction charity shares" on the Web.)
(115,916 posts)madashelltoo
(1,802 posts)I look forward to it.
(6,151 posts)I'm a senior on a small fixed income, and I'd love to subscribe but it will have to be a month or so from now at a modest amount. Hopefully I can make it my birthday present to myself, because it looks like you have a very worthwhile website here.
Anyway, when I first joined recently and you sent me a welcome letter with a few instructions on it, somehow I managed to lose it off my computer. And I forgot to bookmark the instruction page. I even lost the personal reply you sent to a question I'd asked! (You can see why I don't do anyone's taxes these days.)
So in April when I might be able to buy a modest star membership, will I lose the post count accrued beforehand? Or will it matter at that point? Can you offer a link to a FAQs page for me to study? Sorry, I didn't used to be so high maintenance! Are non-star members to whom I reply at this time notified of my replies?
(26,117 posts)Your username & post count will remain whether or not you buy a star - and you can pay once for the year (any amount, I believe).
Whenever you reply in a thread, anyone can see your reply. You can view your own posts by clicking the My Posts tab above - and any replies you receive will show in the "replies to me" column on that page (you can expand by clicking the yellow arrow).
If you reply to a DU Mail from your inbox, only the person to which you replied can read it.
Does that help?

Response to Skinner (Original post)
vanceting Message auto-removed
(10,044 posts)Am not sure where to find it....thanks.
(26,117 posts)fadedrose
(10,044 posts)Who put dat dare? I never saw that link before...and it looks like only a dunce couldn't find it....thanks.
Response to Skinner (Original post)
Name removed Message auto-removed
Response to Skinner (Original post)
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