Related: About this forumWe are now accepting new volunteers to serve on the MIR Team from December 2020 - March 2021
This discussion thread was locked by EarlG (a host of the Announcements group).
Volunteers who wish to help keep DU running smoothly should consider joining the Malicious Intruder Removal Team (MIR Team). The role of MIR Team members is simple: they are empowered to revoke the posting privileges of people who show up at DU with the intent to disrupt.
Members of the MIR Team are provided with tools to delete spam posted by people who have had their posting privileges revoked, but they are NOT responsible for removing community standards violations, locking threads, or dealing with violations of DU's Terms of Service wherever they may occur.
If you are a DU member with at least six months of membership, at least 1,000 posts, and proof of identity (ie. you are a Star member) then you can apply to be a member of the MIR Team.
How do I apply?
Simple: just post in this thread to let us know that you'd like to give it a try, and you could be selected by the Admins. There is no application form to fill out, and no confidentiality agreement to sign. MIR Team members do not have access to any privileged information about other DU members.
We plan to introduce the new MIR Team on Wednesday, December 9.
NOTE: If you are a current MIR Team member who is eligible to serve next term, please do not state your intentions in this thread. Instead, use the thread in the MIRT forum. Thanks.

Response to EarlG (Original post)
marble falls This message was self-deleted by its author.
(27,995 posts)Ptah
(33,646 posts)ismnotwasm
(42,607 posts)angstlessk
(11,862 posts)I what are the hours expected per day?
If I find I cannot decide on enough cases, should I resign, or would I be kicked off?
I have only reported a few folks in all my time here, so not sure how well I will do?
The Polack MSgt
(13,532 posts)Some team members spend several hours daily "MIRTing" others pop in and out occasionally.
There are old heads on the team who've done this for a while that are willing to assist noobs.
Some of these folks have the patience of all the Catholic Saints and Bodhisattva Never Disparaging, combined.
You'll learn a lot about DU and (virtually) meet some good people
(11,862 posts)Sounds like I may be able, I am certainly willing.
(2,679 posts)On that team. People I didnt normally interact with and its been nice.
(36,594 posts)Is there a time requirement?
(28,678 posts)William769
(57,272 posts)Thanks.
(1,342 posts)I have way more than 6 months of membership, and am a star member, but Im not a prolific poster, so I still havent gotten to 1000 (though I am closing in on it)
Id like to help out if Im allowed...
(60,978 posts)my term is over, but I'll be back;
(16,353 posts)LiberalArkie
(17,554 posts)I am a firm free speech advocate. I believe even the most firmly rabid right wing might actually have a valid point to make and a person who is far to the left of me, might be wrong on a particular topic.
(24,309 posts)when to rally fellow MIRT members. There's a difference between strong opinion in a post and a troll. MIRT has a wealth of knowledge and experience. There is a lot of support there.
COL Mustard
(7,259 posts)I think you'd do well! The issues that I've seen over time (lurking, then as a free member and later as a star member) are that people from (that other site that need not be named) come over with an eye toward disruption. They're pretty easy to spot, I think.
Apply, and good luck!!!
(47,753 posts)I was a mod for quite a while back in the olden days. I spend a fair amount of time on DU. However, if you don't select me, my feelings won't be hurt.
(55,096 posts)if I still qualify.
(1,731 posts)
(2,949 posts)Soph0571
(9,685 posts)Disaffected
(5,418 posts)The OP states:
"Members of the MIR Team are provided with tools to delete spam posted by people who have had their posting privileges revoked,.."
Question - how can people who have had their posting privileges revoked post anything? Do they try to sneak in under a new user name or use some other sort of subterfuge? If so, how would a MIR member detect it?
The OP also states MIRs are empowered to revoke posting privileges for disruptive folks which I understand but am wondering if it is done by majority vote or some other procedure?
(229,722 posts)If someone joins to Spam the board (selling/promoting a product), they're not allowed to stay. Those are usually obvious.
And yes, MIRT works by consensus. It's a team effort.
(1,984 posts)Sounds like a good thing to do during the shutdown I think is coming
COL Mustard
(7,259 posts)I don't think Congress is going to pass an extended CR that Doofus will sign by 12/11. Extended holiday break???
(1,984 posts)I read yesterday our Governor is threatening to put in another stay in place order for California.
That is what I was referring to.
COL Mustard
(7,259 posts)Shutdown has a whole 'nother meaning for me!!!
(18,486 posts)Thank you!
(3,316 posts)While I have only been a registered member for a little while, and dont have a ton of posts, Ive been a lurker here since the early 2000s. Ive also been an admin in a couple of sites before.
(24,309 posts)Thanks for the opportunity.
(41,318 posts)DinahMoeHum
(22,748 posts)Thanks for asking.
(11,862 posts)mgardener
(1,982 posts)Volunteer again
(4,670 posts)I expect MIRT will be busy over the next several months.
(25,080 posts)I haven't been on MIRT for quite a while. Thank you.
Response to EarlG (Original post)
Chin music This message was self-deleted by its author.
(7,220 posts)littlemissmartypants
(26,791 posts)SheltieLover
(64,094 posts)
(4,161 posts)Throck
(2,520 posts)I'm up at 3am with insomnia. I can cover the midnight shift. Rookie has to start somewhere.