Don Young's "thoughts" on eliminating homelessness
The Republican Party continues to demonstrate that they are a party against the common man, with Alaska Rep. Don Young being the latest GOP politician to open his mouth and say something so callously stupid that it makes you wonder if these people think before they start speaking.
During a hearing of the House Natural Resources Committee, Young went on a tirade about how Interior Secretary Sally Newell and her cohorts refuse to consider how individual states feel about laws that are passed for preservational purposes. Young was particularly angry about a bill that would continue recognizing the endangered gray wolf as a protected species.
Young took the opportunity to indulge in the Republican hatred for the nation’s poor, citing that if these wolves were simply allowed to roam cities freely, then there would no longer be an issue with homeless people. I have an idea, Don. How about we let loose a pack of hungry wolves into the Congressional chamber? I’ll bet a shiny nickel that you’ll be the first one running for your life, you creep!
Just when you think the Maniac For All Alaskans can't top himself....