Why the ACLU should not get involved with friend of the court briefs that involve Central Park 5 vs Trump.
Here are the basic details: The Central Park 5 are suing Trump for defamation, because Trump can never admit he's wrong and let's face it, his racist followers love him for it.
So enter the ACLU with a friend of the court brief supporting Trump through a friend of a court brief with an anti-SLAPP basis and Free Speech Issue.
My take: Stupid move on the ACLU's part. The lawsuit is not frivolous. We're about to enter an era where the Right is going to use misinformation and falsehoods to continue confusing their supporters and also, intentionally using defamation methods to destroy people that get in their way. Lawsuits are the only thing we have to protect ourselves.
So, I assume it's the NY ACLU branch that is doing this. Anyone know of any ACLU branch in the US that gets it? I will be stopping my donations to the NY branch and would love to find one who can actually protect us.
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