Debt Tribal Lenders Say They Can Charge Over 600% Interest. These States Stopped Them.
by Joel Jacobs and Megan OMatz
Jan. 15, 2025, 6 a.m. EST
A decade ago, strange billboards started showing up, including in New Yorks Times Square. They werent advertising a product. They were vilifying Connecticuts then-governor, Dannel Malloy.
And they could be traced to that states unusual effort to stop an Oklahoma tribe from offering Connecticut residents short-term consumer loans at exorbitant interest rates.
Gov. Malloy, Dont take away my daddys job, read one of the billboards, alongside a picture of a Native American child with braids and traditional garb.
But Malloy was not dissuaded by what he called a scare tactic. He said he felt the states banking regulations were on his side. The Oklahoma tribe was claiming sovereign immunity as it flouted Connecticut law charging over 400% interest annually, though the state capped rates on such loans at 12%.